In my last post I announced that I decided to train to become a bobsled pilot and that I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Well, I still don't... but God is awesome and things have actually been going pretty well out here in Park City, Utah! To sum up the past month:
I survived my first driving school and can now say that I am officially a bobsled pilot! Ate In-N-Out Burger. Sat on the floor at a Utah Jazz NBA game. Ate In-N-Out Burger again. Had 44 successful training runs. Saw real live mooses (anyone know the plural for moose?). Hung out with Mormons :) Snuck down a closed ski hill at night on an inner tube (yet another life goal accomplished). Fore-ran the World Cup Bobsled races in Park City.Overall, a lot of bobsledding mixed with a little fun. God willing, next week my faithful brakeman, Valerie Smith, and I will road trip up to Calgary, Canada for our first official international bobsled races!
Despite the fact that I appear to be living the dream; there's one thing I've been learning lately - to count the cost. Every single day I am realizing, more and more, exactly how hard it is to make the US Olympic Team. To be honest, it's virtually impossible. I find myself wondering, is this all worth it?
Then I remind myself. Nothing is impossible for my God and even if I never make it to the Olympic Games all the physical, mental, and financial costs are worth it. Who cares if training is hard? If I have to deal with ridiculous politics? If I literally live out of a suitcase? If my body is bruised and scared? If it's incredibly expensive? I'm on the United States Bobsled Team, I've made some incredible friends, and had some amazing adventures. It's definitely all worth it!!!
I'll never forget when I was first contemplating quitting my career and packing my bags for the grueling sport of bobsled. It was a tough decision and Elana Meyers shared her story with me. She said bobsledding hadn't been easy but when she walked into the opening ceremony of the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver it was all worth it.
I say all this to ask a much bigger question: Are we counting the costs of following Jesus in our lives? I know that everyone makes sacrifices, just like I'm sacrificing a lot for my bobsled dreams. But that's not what I am talking about. The question is - are you willing to sacrifice everything to follow after Jesus?
Just like I'm realizing how hard it is to make the Olympic Team; I'm realizing how hard it is to make God's team (Matt 7:13-14, 19:24). Sometimes watered down American Christianity forgets to point out that Jesus actually said things like,
“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple. And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple." Luke 14:26-27
Following after Jesus isn't going to be easy. If anyone tells you that, they are lying. But Jesus does promise one thing, HE is worth it! I can't wait until the day I walk into eternity with Jesus and am able to say, it was all worth it!
Take 10 minutes to watch the video above. You won't regret it :)
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