Friday, September 28, 2012

la familia...

Family at Jones Beach, Long Island, NY

My family came to visit me in New York! It was awesome to show them how and where I have been training. And it was even awesomer to take a road trip to Long Island to see where my mom grew up! 

Me and my Nepali Sister
My parents checking out
a bobsled! 

Right after my fam's trip to NY, my sister moved to Nepal! She plans to come back to the states for a visit in 3 years! 

Click this link to check out her blog to follow her adventures: Two Candles One Light Blog

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Iron Prayer...

The Iron Man triathlon is one of the most grueling athletic events on the planet.  It is a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and then topped off with a full marathon run of 26.2 miles. Everyone who crosses the finish line before mid-night is crowned with the official title of "Ironman"! I had the opportunity to speak at the Iron Prayer the night before the big race in Lake Placid, NY earlier this summer. Check it out below!!!! 

Hanging out with some teammates and one of our strength
coachesat the IronMan finish line!!!