Thursday, June 7, 2012

Back in the crib...

Yah! Last week my housing got approved for the summer and I moved from the Lake Placid Baptist church basement back into the Olympic Training Center! 

My time living in the church was awesome! I am so thankful that the church was willing to house a teammate and I for 3 weeks. But now that we are back in the OTC I realize how blessed I am to be here and I am learning never to take any of this for granite. Only a few people even received summer housing so I have been humbled by the fact that the USOC considers me worthy to be here and thankful that they are covering my living expenses while I train hard to represent our country. 

Meanwhile, training is going great! I love my teammates and we have such and encouraging training group. I feel like it is going to be impossible not to be a incredibly better bobsledder after this off-season is over.  Here is a picture of the 1980 Olympic ski jumps where we are currently sprinting hills 3 days per week. We even got to see some jumpers fly off of those things a few times. It was incredible!